Thursday, June 21, 2012

Two Mom's Humble Opinions

The coordinators have decided to start a new blog series.  We will be reviewing products, restaurants, books, movies, or anything else that strikes our fancy.  

This time we will be reviewing the new Pixar movie Brave.

Sarah’s Review

Who doesn’t love Pixar movies?  Cars, Monsters Inc, Wall-e, The Incredibles, and my all time favorites the Toy Story trilogy.  Pixar’s movies have always been a hit in our house before and after having kids.

I had the pleasure of going to a sneak preview for the movie Brave on Tuesday night.  I attended the movie with the other MOPS coordinator and our 5 year old daughters.

The first thing I will tell you is the movie is great!  It is full of action and although it is about a princess, it is great for girls or boys.  It was funny, exciting, and action packed.

That being said, I do have some somewhat negative comments.  Since I am reviewing the movie for a moms of preschoolers blog (and since I attended with my pre-kindergarten daughter) I have to tell you that I felt the movie was far too mature for her age group.  

Without giving anything away, there are characters that are downright scary, it was a bit violent and dark, the princess was a bit disrespectful to her mother, and there are two occasions where it shows bare bottoms.  This movie was more appropriate for an 8 year old and possibly a brave 7 year old.  My daughter ended up sleeping with my husband and I after seeing the movie.  In fact, during the movie she leaned over and whispered “I am going to have to sleep with you tonight because I am going to have nightmares.”.  Sigh!

On a positive note, this is a very enjoyable movie for a more mature child or an adult.  The adult humor is not super obvious, the characters are likeable, and it is an original story.  I would be willing to watch it again even.

I do recommend this movie but you may need a brave child to attend with, especially if you see it in 3D like we did!

Although we got free tickets and you all know I love free stuff, this is an unbiased review.

Jenni's Review
Disney-Pixar's new release, 'BRAVE', has the typical characters one would expect in a beloved film. ((Although I think they need to recycle their voices. The main character at the beginning of the film sounds a lot like the main character in Tangled, as well as the mothers in both films who sound alike.))

The animations are fantastic and surreal. The way Merida's orange curly locks flow, and other amazing details throughout the movie, especially in 3D, are outstanding. The creators have done an extraordinary job with graphics.

The story line is heartwarming and relatable, sans the magical part. There are certain parts of the movie when only adults would get the humor, but, most Disney-Pixar movies have that quality. The way Merida interacts with her mother at the end pulls at your heart strings and makes you want to call your own mother. (On the tear meter I would give it a 1 tissue rating.)

This Disney-Pixar movie has wonderful new elements not found in other films. Such as, kilts, bagpipes, and Scottish accents.

However, despite all the wonderful points in the movie, I would NOT recommend children under the age of 8 see it. With it's PG rating, young children may find it very scary (spoiler -there is a bear, a witch and 'spells'). My daughter was very scared and slept with me the night we saw it. There is also one scene where the men are without their kilts and you do see bare behinds (and later again with bare behinds, this time on children).

Why can't children's animation movie makers make a film that is made for children that doesn't involve spells, frightening scenes, raunchy humor or nakedness?

'BRAVE' has a wonderful story line, but it's just for older children and adults to see.

If you have an idea for a review please email us at  We would love your input!

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