Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Featured Article: Embrace Your Beautiful Mess

Embrace Your Beautiful Mess
By Sara K.

Life is full of messes. Some last a day while others last a season or more. It's the messiness that makes of many of the memories. Whenever I find myself in a messy season, I am always reminded of this verse:

"For I know the plans I have for you, the plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (NIV Jeremiah 29:11).

It may seem like you have a string of multiple messes, but God has a plan for you. I often find myself drawing on His strength. God gives us strength when we feel helpless, he helps us through "seasons of life" that seem unbearable. Throughout my marriage my husband frequently traveled for work, when my daughter was six weeks old he had an eighteen day business trip in London. During that time I had to return to work after maternity leave. My baby girl didn't transition well to a bottle. Needless to say I was stressed out. I wasn't sleeping because she would be up all night eating and boycotted the bottle during the day. Nothing I was doing helped. I was at the end of my rope when I received a call to come and get the kids from child care. My then two year old son, who was going through a biting phase, had broken skin on a little boy's nose, because the boy had a toy he wanted. I cried all the way home, and prayed to Him.

"I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint." (NIV Jeremiah 31:25).

God helped me once I asked. 

"The LORD Is my stregth and my sheild; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me." (NIV Psalms 28:7)

I needed to rely on Him, on His strength to help me through this messy season in my lfe. I know everyone has a similar story, a messy season that is tucked in the back of their mind. By the time my hubsband got home, my dugher started to smile, my son was adjusting back to daycare, stopped biting other children. God is always there. Embrace your mess, and rely on him for strength for it is part of HIs beautiful plan for you.

Originally published in the October 2014 INdian Creek MOPS Newsletter.

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