Monday, February 24, 2014

Featured Article: Loving Yourself

"Mommy, my face looks funny." my daughter stated matter of factly.

Startled I asked "What do you mean honey?"

"When I look in the mirror my face looks weird." she replied.

I was immediately concerned. What would make my cute four year old daughter so concerned with her looks? After I reassured her that she is perfect the way she is, she quickly changed the subject and went on playing as if nothing had happened.

I started wondering if I have something to do with her self image. I don't think I look great in the mirror either. I feel I have come a very long way from my confident self before kids. I am heavier, older, my body has taken on a shape that is unrecognizable to me.

I don't have the time or money to invest on the cute clothes, manicures, and jewelry that I used to love. My daughter knows she looks like me and if I don't like what I see in the mirror, then how do I convince her that I like what I see in her? This realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I definitely need to set an example for my daughters.

We are all beautiful in God's eyes. He created each of us just as we are.  Who am I to criticize what God has made? When I was sorting through all this I remembered the old, but true cliche that looks aren't everything and they certainly don't last. What matters is how you feel about yourself. This nobody of mine has lived 34 years and I have a few battle scars to be proud of. I have three kids to show for the stretch marks (and new body shape). I have sun spots because I love to be outside. I have scars from falling and burn scars from cooking. I have scars from living life! I have callouses on my feet because I love to dance. I have laugh lines because I love to laugh! None of these things are anything to be ashamed of. I am proud of them, I just need to start acting like it. Once I accept this body I live in, I can teach my girls to be proud of theirs. Wouldn't it be great to learn this at a young age instead of waiting until the age of 34 like me? 

I have a new outlook now. When I look in the mirror I see myself, a woman God created to be the mother of these three children and wife to my husband. I have a lot to be proud of. With God's help, I can instill these values in my daughters so they can grow up and take pride in who God made them to be.

Loving Yourself by Sarah L.
Originally published in the January 2013 Indian Creek MOPS newsletter.

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