Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Featured Article: Invest in a Relationship

Invest in a Relationship
Motherhood is a wonderful and exciting stage in life but becoming a mom was a big adjustment for me.  I now had another person that solely relied on me to take care of all of his needs.  I also quit my job to stay home with my newborn son which meant my life changed drastically overnight in a number of ways.  Even after the initial adjustment to motherhood there was something else that left me feeling lost, unsettled, and a bit isolated.  At the end of the day, my baby was fed and rested, the errands were done, the house was picked up, and the laundry was as done as laundry can get, so why in the world did I feel like something was missing?
After the birth of my 2nd child I realized that although I loved being a mom and our house had fallen into a comfortable daily rhythm, there was still something missing in my life.  Close relationships with other women and a connection with other moms!  Not just acquaintances, but  true friends that understood my situation and could relate to what I was going through at that moment.  Someone I could be myself with and know I was accepted, without judgement, for who I was.  I knew I wasn’t going to make any friends without any effort and time invested.  So how does a person go about finding other people to spend time with?
I discovered all moms are going through the same thing and have common interests, problems, and situations. I needed to surround myself with other mothers in my daily life and reach out to them in an intentional and accepting way.  To do this, I had to set aside any fear of rejection and open myself up to people.  I started attending a MOPS group, talking to the other moms at preschool, hosting play dates, and reaching out to moms who were alone in a group setting.
In time, I connected with other mothers and those investments turned into long lasting relationships.  These ladies have become my support group.  We pray for each other, take care of each other’s children, and are involved in each other’s lives.  It is worth the effort and time that I have invested in these women’s lives and they have made a difference in mine.
My only regret is that I didn’t reach out to other women sooner.  There are so many moms out there that feel isolated and alone just like I did.  What type of impact could having a friend mean for a woman walking through this rewarding and exhausting stage of motherhood?  I encourage you to reach out now.  “Though one may be overpowered,  two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”  Ecclesiastes 4:11-13 (NIV). Don’t waste any more time because we are far stronger as moms and women when we stick together.

By Sarah Lyons

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