Saturday, April 27, 2013

Q & A with MOPS Mentor Mom

With Fathers Day coming up we thought it would be a good idea to reach into our article archive and pull out this awesome one from April of 2009 written by our current Mentor Mom.  Full of great advice! 

Q:  What are some things I can do for my husband to show him I appreciate all he does for the family?

A:  We all know that maintaining a relationship takes time and effort from both parties.  Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our day to day activities of being a wife and mother that our marriage relationship suffers.  Taking time to do something special for your spouse is well worth the extra effort!  I can tell you from experience that your husband will love you for it!  Here are a number of ideas--some that cost nothing and require very little effort, to some that require spending some money and maybe a little more effort on your part:

1. Give him a big hug and kiss and thank him for all his hard work.  It's even better if your children can hear you thanking their daddy for everything he does for his family!

2. Hide a love note or note of encouragement in his car at night, so when he gets in his car to go to work the next morning, it's the first  thing he sees.

3. Find a scripture that you can pray for your husband.  Write it out on a card and give it to him and tell him you're praying for him.

4. Plan a surprise candlelight dinner one night.  Find a friend who is willing to trade babysitting services for a few hours so   you can accomplish this.  Then do the same for them.

5. Make a list of everything you love and appreciate about your husband--then tell him.

6. If your husband has a job where he can get away for lunch, pack a picnic and  go to the park on a nice spring day.

7. Think of an activity your husband enjoys.  If it's golf, surprise him with a golf outing.  Maybe it's baseball and you could surprise him with Royals tickets.  You get the idea!

8. Cuddle together on the couch after the kids go to bed and watch a TV show or movie that your husband has chosen.

9. Schedule a lunch date with your husband.  Drive to his office, pick him up and take him to his favorite restaurant.

10. Offer to give him a back rub.

11. Your husband will love it if you come to bed in a sexy nightie instead of  your old flannel PJ's!

These are just a few ideas, but when it comes down to it you are the one who knows your spouse the best and what would mean the most to him.  So get creative and do it!


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