Friday, February 1, 2013

Featured Article: Romance? Really??

Romance??  Really?? By Fia S.

February is the month of Valentines, flowers, dates with your loved one…  Ya think?   If you’re like me – time alone with The Hubby is a rare occasion that normally means snoring side-by-side!

I know it’s hard to believe, but the day will come when it will be a bit easier to carve out some one-on-one time together.  My Kiddos are now 10 & 6 and it’s already quite a bit easier.  In the meantime, here are a few of my ideas and some I gained from polling my Facebook friends.

I take advantage of our MOPS Parent’s Night Out.  I’m now guaranteed one 4-hour evening with The Hubby every month in exchange for working 1-2 times during the year.  We usually get something to eat and linger over dessert.  We were able to do our Christmas shopping.  Occasionally, we go home after dinner for some time alone (wink-wink) and then The Hubby goes and picks up The Kiddos. certificates are a great way to try a new place affordably.  “Restaurant coupons and the $1 theater,” Christy suggested. “I get gift cards with my debit card rewards and, of course, we keep an eye out for local free events.”

Christie told me, “Some of my mommy friends have a deal with other friends to watch their kiddos overnight (taking turns) in order to have a really nice date night and know that their kids are in good hands.”

To which Christy replied, “We had trusted friends with whom we traded entire weekends.”

Wow!!  What I could do with that!! 

Oh - Not ready to leave your kiddos?  Plan some date nights at home.

Kitty said, “It’s very important to carry out “date night” at least once a week.  You could create a romantic atmosphere at home.  Send the kids to bed early, clear the family room and lay out a blanket.  Get a bottle of wine (or sparkling juice), romantic CD and CD player and reminisce why you got married in the first place.”

In the spring and fall (and summer when the skeeters aren’t too bad) The Hubby and I like to put the kiddos to bed and sit by the fire pit and unwind. It doesn’t happen often – but it’s wonderful when it does.  We also send the kiddos to bed early in our bed and let them watch a movie while we cuddle on the couch and catch up on shows we’ve recorded. 

If you want to take it a little further, Jean suggests, “Plan a late night dinner for just the two of you after the kids go to bed.  Make something that the kids don’t like and you love.  You could check out one of those “cooking for 2” cookbooks at the library and make dinner together.”

Michelle offered a “Theme Night”.  “Pick a new recipe and cook it together and then rent a movie from Redbox that goes with the meal.  For example:  Chinese dinner (or take-out) paired with ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ or enchiladas paired with ‘Once Upon a Time in Mexico’.

“Don’t forget the romantic music and candlelight,” Jean was sure to add, “And a bottle of “2-Buck-Chuck” ($2 wine) from Trader Joes!”

Still not sure you can find the time for that special date?  Look around, you’ll be surprised.  Strap the baby in a stroller and pull the bigger kiddos in a wagon and go for a walk around the block together as a family.  Go to the park, sit on the bench and hold hands while your kiddos climb on the monkey bars.  Put the kiddos down for a nap, take the monitor outside and plant a few flowers or sip some lemonade.  Make a habit of setting the timer and spending 10 minutes talking on the couch together each evening – and instruct the kiddos that they can play nearby but not to interrupt until the timer dings.

I guess what I’m saying is that time with The Hubby should be a priority.  After writing these words of wisdom – I realize I need to better practice what I preach.  The house is quiet. The Kiddos are abed.  The Hubby is sitting alone on the couch.  And I’m now stepping away from this computer to enjoy some romance.  Really!!

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