Sunday, November 11, 2012

Featured Article: You Are Your Brothers (& Sisters) Keeper

Featured Article: You are your Brothers (and Sisters) Keeper by Jenni B.

We’ve all heard the question, “Am I my brother's keeper?”  A saying from the book of Genesis (chapter 4) of Cain and Abel.  After Cain had murdered his brother Abel, God asked him where his brother was.  Cain replied, “I know not; am I my brother’s keeper?”  God’s response?  Why yes, yes you are.

Pastor Gary Kendall spoke about this story in church one Sunday.  There were several “AH-HA” moments for me, but the one thing that stood out was the statement, “Even if you were the only person on earth, God would have still sent His Son to die for YOU.”  On the way home (by myself for that evening service) I thought about that.  God sent His Son Jesus to DIE for us.  Jesus came to earth, knowing He would be mocked, spat on, teased, called names, punished and ultimately die just for YOU.  He didn’t complain, He didn’t say I’m giving up, all He knew was YOU were worth everything He faced.

It made me question whether or not I would put myself in a situation where I knew I would be teased, spit on, and ridiculed, knowing that I was doing so to benefit a stranger whom I have not met.  It’s easy to say I would do that for a loved one or friend, but to be that selfless for a stranger, is something I can only strive to do.  Pastor Gary spoke that it’s up to us to look beyond ourselves and focus on the needs of others so that God can use us more for His needs.  

Reflect on the verse for this month of love found in Matthew 22:39 (The Message) to “...Love others as well as yourself”…  Pray that God would open your heart to love those that need loving and to open your arms to hold those whom need comfort. 

Do you have the courage to sacrifice yourself for a stranger?                                        

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