Thursday, July 21, 2011

Upcoming News and Events

Can you believe school starts in only 4 weeks?  The summer has flown by!  I don' t know about you but the kids and I are getting restless!  Mark your calendars with the following events and join us for some fun with fellow MOPS

MOPS Bible Study - It isn't too late to join us as we study Beth Moore's Breaking Free on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. in the basement of ICCC.  Contact Jenni or Sarah at for more information.

August Events
MOPS Playdate - Thursday August 11th at 3:00 pm.  Say goodbye to summer at Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt at 119th and Black Bob.

MOPS Night Out - Thursday August 25th at 7:00 pm.  Do you have a project that you've been working on all summer?  Bring your sewing machine, scrap booking supplies, knitting needles, and anything else you may need in order to finish your project to the ICCC MOPS meeting room.  If you'd like, bring a dessert to share with the group. 

MOPS Kick-off Picnic - Tuesday, August 23rd at 9:30 a.m.  Bring the kids and get acquainted with new MOPS friends at Quivira Park at 119th and Quivira.  This park features a restroom, shelter, playground area, and sand volleyball court (bring sand toys for the kids).  Popsicles will be served so wear "play clothes".

You can register for ICCC MOPS at the picnic or before.  Click on the "Contact and Registration" tab on this blog.  Take a moment to "like" us on Facebook by searching for "Indian Creek MOPS".

Upcoming Events
First MOPS Meeting - Tuesday September 6th at 9:00 a.m.

My Favorite Thing:  Tuesday, September 20th each MOPS member will bring an item that makes her life easier or one that she just can't live without.  All of these $5 and under items will be placed in the prize bucket.  At each meeting, the ladies who make it to the meeting on time will have the opportunity to put their name in the basket and possibly get their name drawn to select the prize of their choice.

Bring a Friend Day - Tuesday October 18th (This is a change from your newsletter).  A Firefighter will speak about First Aid & CPR

The Leadership Team is working hard behind the scenes to plan a fun year.  You can look forward to speaker topics such as Basic CPR, Parenting Tips, Teaching Faith at Home, and many others.  Also a Game Day and Spa Day are in the works!  Keep checking the blog for the most up to date information!

Enjoy the rest of the summer!

Monday, July 18, 2011

MOPS T-Shirts

MOPS t shirts will be available for only $12 each.  

Group shirts are a great way to recognize other members of the group at playdates and outings!  And these are just too cool! 

The shirt; same design and color:

If you are interested in purchasing, contact Sarah L. or Jenni B. with the size (S through 3XL) before Friday the 22nd at 9am. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Farewell to 2 MOPS

Thanks to everyone who came out to the 'Farewell Fiesta' to say goodbye to Julie.  We pray all goes well in your transition to Alabama.  ((Apologies to those who came and left before the camera came out. Huge thanks to Sara K. for the photos!))


Thank you to those who were able to make the movie playdate to say goodbye to our friend, Nicole R. Our prayers go with you and your family as you move to a whole new continent! You will be missed, Nicole!

"May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back.  May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields.  And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of His hand."
~Irish Proverb
